Diverting Agent

  • The LP series fracturing acidizing diverting agent is a new type of viscoelastic surfactant that exhibits excellent suspension and dispersion properties. This diverting agent can selectively enter high-permeability zones, creating temporary blockages and guiding the acid solution more evenly towards different permeability strata. In the oil layer parts that have been acidized and whose permeability has been improved, it forms a low-permeability solid particle filter cake, reducing the permeability of the surface layer, thereby changing the flow profile of the injection fluid. This enables the acid to enter unacidized segments more effectively while preventing over-acidization of already acidized segments. The self-diverting acid system formulated with this product has significant advantages such as being non-damaging, facilitating easy flowback, controlled release, and low fluid loss.



  • Non-damaging
  • Easy flowback
  • Controlled release
  • Low fluid loss



Item Indicators
Project Model Low-Temperature Diverting Agent Medium-Temperature Diverting Agent High-Temperature Diverting Agent
Appearance Yellow to brownish-red liquid Yellow to brownish-red liquid Yellow to brownish-red liquid
Pour Point (°C) ≤ -10 ≤ -10 ≤ -10

(1% aqueous solution)

6.0-10.0 6.0-10.0 6.0-10.0
Adaptable Formation Temperature (°C) ≤ 70 ≤ 90 90~120

(5% dosage, shear rate at 170s^-1)

20% HCl, 0~40mPa·S 20% HCl, 0~40mPa·S 20% HCl, 0~40mPa·S
Acidizing Diverting Viscosity > 100mPa·S > 150mPa·S > 300mPa·S